Spermogram (offensive) - Funny Jokes

Spermogram (offensive) - Funny Jokes

"A guy goes to a hospital to get a spermogram. The doctor gives him a glass and ask him to fill it up. He goes home to try it with his left hand, try it with his right hand and nothing. He asks for his wife to help, she tries with her left hand, her right hand, her mouth, and nothing. Then again, he asks for his daughter to help, she tries with her left hand, right hand, mouth and nothing. He asked for her neighbour to help, a real HB, she tries all that and nothing. Then, he goes back to the hospital and tells the doctor: "Give me another glass. Nobody can open this one!"."

Q. What's the difference between light and hard?
A. You can sleep with a light on.

Q. Why is sex like a bridge game?
A. You don't need a partner if you have a good hand.

Spermogram (offensive) - Funny Jokes
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